Catalogo >> Macchine "V" >> Commodore >> PET 2001-32N brandizzato Rohde & Schwarz
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Alberto Rubinelli wrote:
> Allora, vediamo chi e' il primo che mi dice quale Commodore e' in 
> realta'  questa macchina :)
> Ah, mi interessa sapere quanto vale, per vedere se venderlo, quindi non  
> sono OT, perche' in caso affermativo sarebbe venduto prima qui e poi  
> eventualmente, se non offrite molto, anche su ebay :))
> Ciao.Alberto.

tradotto dal tedesco con il traduttore automatico

Process CONTROLLER of Rohde & black: Automatically measure COMPUTER WEEK 
NR. 11 of 14.03.1980 MUNICH (CW) - in particular industrielle users 
place the target group for the Process CONTROLLER PPC of the Rohde & 
black GmbH, Munich. Data according to the society the International 
Electronical Commission bus controller is suitable also for the 
automation of smaller measuring positions. Depending upon capacity of 
the RAM memory 16 or 32 KB - the PPC costs 8900 Marks and/or 9500 Marks. 
Most substantial characteristic of this desk calculator is in opinion of 
Rohde & black a mini floppy drive assembly for 5?-Zoll-Floppy-Disks with 
a storage capacity of 80 KB, which permit the addressed storing and 
loading of programs and data. The capacity of the RAM memory is 
available almost completely for programs or data. For the expenditure 
for result and program preparation serves a screen, which makes the 
representation possible of simple diagrams as well as measuring curves 
in 25 lines with 40 indications each. A controllable cursor can be moved 
in x or y-direction in such a way over the screen that each indication 
can be started directly. The connection of the Process CONTROLLER PPC 
with other plant devices - measuring and controllers as well as further 
periphery, like external memory, printers and plotters - takes place 
after manufacturer data over the standardized interface International 
Electronical Commission 625. Beside the International Electronical 
Commission connection the PPC has in series a center ix-interface, at 
which according to equipped printers enterprises to become to be able. 
For the supply of further peripheral devices with a connection to R-S 
232 C (V.24) than option the bi-directional interface PPC-B5 working 
with a transmission rate from 75 to 9600 Baud is available.

sembrerebbe una macchina per il controllo di processi indusriali (misure 
di posizione). sicuramente interfacciata con alcuni strumenti di misura 
e dotata di programmi custom per il rilevamento dei dati.

almeno è quanto ho capito.


----- Original Message -----

From: "William Levak" <>

To: "CBM Hackers" <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 1:25 PM

Subject: Re: Re-branded PET/CBM clone: anybody knows it?

> This is a modified 2001-32N, a 40 column graphic PET with 9 inch screen. It is running BASIC 2 (from the part numbers on the ROM's).

> On the unmodified version, the space between the keyboard and the screen  is occupied with a black plastic part with the Commodore name and logo.

> This part can be removed and underneath it are openings for 2 floppy drives. This is the first time I have seen a floppy mounted there.

> The back of the computer has been modofied also. The unmodified computer  has three slots at the bottom edge with card edge connectors sticking out.

> Inside, the large circuit board at the right is the standard Commodore  circuit board for this machine. The card edge connectors at the rear have  adapters attached to them to provide different connectors on the outside.

> All the other circuit boards have been added. The power supply at the left  rear is different, probably to make room for the added circuit boards.

> The original power supply can be wired to run on 120 or 240 volts, so it  was not necessary to replace it for use in Europe.

> From the dates on the chips, this computer was made in 1980.

> Message was sent through the cbm-hackers mailing list